Biktarvy Cost Should Not Kill Me.


The Overwhelming Cost of Biktarvy: My True Story

Biktarvy Cost

What Is Biktarvy?

Biktarvy was introduced to me as a groundbreaking treatment option for HIV — a single pill combining three potent antiretroviral drugs.

It promised a simpler treatment regimen and the hope of living a longer, healthier life.

Yet, the staggering cost of Biktarvy immediately posed a significant barrier to this seemingly simple solution.

My Journey Begins

The day I was diagnosed with HIV was the day my world turned upside down.

Biktarvy was recommended as my best chance at a normal life, but its astronomical price put it just out of reach, forcing me to face the harsh realities of our healthcare system head-on.

The Harsh Reality of Biktarvy Cost

Facing the cost of Biktarvy was like coming up against a brick wall.

It wasn’t just about the numbers; it was about what those numbers represented — a barrier to my health, happiness, and dreams.

Navigating insurance complications and coverage gaps felt like an endless battle, one that highlighted the inequities in our healthcare system.

The Community’s Response

In my darkest hours, the support from my community was a beacon of hope.

Their efforts, from fundraising to advocacy, reminded me of the power of collective action.

This support not only helped me in my personal battle but also shone a light on the broader issue of drug affordability and access.

Exploring Alternatives and Hope

Determined to overcome the obstacles in my path, I sought out every possible source of assistance.

Assistance programs, scholarships, and even the prospect of generic alternatives offered a glimmer of hope.

My journey was challenging, but my resolve, bolstered by the unwavering support of my community, remained strong.

The Bigger Picture: The Cost of Life-Saving Drugs

My story is a testament to the broader issues plaguing our healthcare system — exorbitant drug prices that put essential treatments out of reach for many.

It’s a call to critically examine pharmaceutical pricing policies and work towards a system that ensures equitable access to life-saving medications.

Biktarvy Cost FAQs

Biktarvy Cost and Access FAQ

1. How much does Biktarvy cost without insurance?

Without insurance, Biktarvy can be very expensive. The average monthly cost is around $7,797, translating to over $90,000 annually. This high price can be a significant burden for individuals.

2. Can assistance programs help?

Yes, assistance programs can significantly reduce Biktarvy’s cost. The manufacturer offers a patient assistance program, and there are government programs that can help eligible individuals. These programs can bring your cost down to as little as $4-$9 per month.

3. Are there generic alternatives to Biktarvy?

Currently, Biktarvy is only available as a brand name medication in the US. Biktarvy generic is manufactured in India under the authorization and license of Gilead Sciences. Most of the world cannot afford the high prices of HIV medicine, so it is mass produced at a much affordable price in places like India. Generic Biktarvy has 100% efficacy and exact same molecular composition of brand name Biktarvy. You have everything to gain on your HIV prescription medicine.

4. Challenges with insurance coverage?

Even with insurance, some challenges exist. Your insurance plan might require prior authorization for Biktarvy, meaning your doctor and insurer need to discuss if it’s the right treatment before coverage is approved. Additionally, you might have a deductible to meet before your insurance kicks in.

5. Advocating for lower Biktarvy prices?

Several approaches can be taken to advocate for lower Biktarvy prices. You can contact your legislators and express your concerns. There are also patient advocacy groups working to make essential medications more affordable.

A Call to Action and Hope

My journey, though fraught with challenges, is a real-life illustration of the struggles many face in accessing necessary medical treatments.

It’s a rallying cry for systemic reform — to shift our healthcare paradigm to one that values lives over profit margins.

Let my experience be a call to action, inspiring collective efforts towards securing a future where healthcare is accessible to all.

Hope is our strongest ally in this fight. In the mean time, I strongly suggest you get it any way you can.

My go to place is Sunny Pharma, I get Biktarvy for a very low price, they’re are pretty much giving it away compared to CVS, Walgreens or Costco.



Erin Schettle - Healthcare Advocate

Healthcare advocate for access to affordable healthcare and treatment.